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Tenute Pacelli


Just south of the Pollino National Park, in the rolling hills of Calabria, we find the vineyards of Tenute Pacelli. The Pacelli family has been growing grapes here for decades. The history of this area is reflected in ancient castles and crumbling hilltop villages. A long time ago, noble landlords ruled here, including one of the ancestors of the Pacelli family.

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Cousin of a local baron

At the end of the last century, Francesco Pacelli, the nephew of a local baron, inherited an estate. With it, he inherits old vines with internationally well-known grapes for wines such as Barbera and Chianti. The vineyards date back to a time when native varieties were undervalued, and people were more interested in the glitz and glamor of well-known varieties. Together with his wife Clara, Francesco decided that part of the old vines had to make way for more traditional varieties. The family planted native Magliocco and Calabrese.

Blending old and new

Because of this interesting history, Tenute Pacelli creates special wines. They are mostly blends of the old, high-quality vines of international varieties and the newer, indigenous vines that honor the history and nature of Calabria. That's why you can find a delicious sparkling Riesling (Champaign method) in our Pacelli family product range, or a blend of the famous Northern Italian Barbera and the native Magliocco.

Pacelli women

Today the vineyard is mainly run by the women of the Pacelli family. Francesco's two daughters, Carla and Laura, are slowly taking over. They bring a new, fresh influence on the company, all the while with great respect for the past, the culture of Calabria and their own family. In addition to the vineyard, the Pacelli's also cultivate olive groves and fruit trees from which they make "fig honey" amongst other products.

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Rich diversity in terroir

Tenute Pacelli's wines are grown with respect for the rich diversity in terroir and altitudes in their vineyard. It is meticulously thought out (and tested) what the diversity of types of soil mean for the wine. And with it comes respect for nature and the land. It goes without saying that the wines of the Pacelli family are grown entirely organically. The careful hand-picking and the fact that it is a small-scale farm all contribute to the high quality of their products. And this is recognized! Not only are we at Mezzogiorno very much charmed by Tenute Pacelli, they also hold their own on the competitive national stage with many prizes.

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